Perhaps, in the autumn of my life
I will sit near a window
in the late afternoon sun
drinking tea from fine china
or cheap red wine
depending on my mood
and the weather
Perhaps I will sit
wrapped in an old blanket
watching trees
release their leaves
one by one
much like one deals with loss
in small increments
to soften the blow
Yes, perhaps then I will
reflect on him
tincture of time is a wonderful healer
so they tell me
only time will tell
perhaps then
emotions will not run high
I will no longer stop in my tracks
at odd hours with thoughts of him..
those eyes looking back at me
as only a lover can
Perhaps red wine will dull that ache
Perhaps I will no longer miss noisy sex
and will be able to eat raspberries
without the first thought of him
Perhaps on that autumn afternoon
after my third glass of wine
I will forget that I once
touched fire
felt the warmth and the burn
love changes everything
if you let it
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