Walking a labyrinth is such an emotional experience. My first experience was during my divorce. It was set up in the basement of an old church in the city. I arrived, having no clue what to expect. Soft music was playing in the background, the large room was lit only with candles. People were arriving randomly. The host smiled at me, pointed to the basket of clean footies, indicating that I should remove my shoes and wear them.
As I was putting the footies on, I knew I was in the presence of One much greater than myself.
I read the short pamphlet about how to walk a labyrinth than sat there for quite awhile, trying to get my emotions in check. Finally, I was ready. Just like in life, you walk your own path alone... often you encounter others on the same path but each of us have different experiences and different needs.
I found that going in, towards the center, was much more emotional, almost as if I had to force myself to keep one foot moving ahead...... much more emotional than going to confession.
Going in, I searched my soul for it's current, most urgent needs.... in the center, I sat quietly, humbly asking for forgiveness, answers and direction. I sat there a long time, until I felt the need to go, to return to the outside. I left the center a changed woman....
There are many different types of labyrinths, some are very simple, some very complex. Most labyrinths are walked......some are hand-held and can be traced. This one is on the computer..... you move the cursor yourself. Click here.
To find a labyrinth in your area, click here.
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