Are you living the life you planned?
Or did the breeze take you places you never thought you'd go?
Where has it carried you?
Or did the breeze take you places you never thought you'd go?
Where has it carried you?
I have often resisted change, even when I knew I was being pushed or lead in a different direction, one I had no desire to follow. I've dug my heels in over and over again only to realize that I was carried into that spot to be exactly where I was intended to be. Sometimes it takes years before I make the connection.
I believe there are no accidents.
I don't believe that the universe is random.
When paths cross, I listen. I wait.
Then, when I least expect it, I know why.
Sometimes it shows me that I went in the wrong direction, often it makes me adjust my sail.
Tell me about where the breeze took you.
What did you learn?
I believe there are no accidents.
I don't believe that the universe is random.
When paths cross, I listen. I wait.
Then, when I least expect it, I know why.
Sometimes it shows me that I went in the wrong direction, often it makes me adjust my sail.
Tell me about where the breeze took you.
What did you learn?
I wanted to respond to your post, but at the moment keep erasing what I type! Your posts are so eloquently and thoughtfully written, I can't do this one justice while supper is waiting to get on the table, papers need to be graded, and my daughter will need some homework help! But I did want you to know that a breeze blew me this way today, and I will be back when I can THINK!